Cleft tree, also known as betel water, medicine called third draft prospectus. According to traditional medicine, three draft prospectus is sweet, spicy, welding, heat effect has diuretic, detoxifying pepper emphysema. Used to treat bladder stones, tonsillitis, urinary tract infections, acute pyelonephritis edema, tropical white, bone and joint pain,...
Palate is long-living trees draft, with underground rhizomes, roots at the nodes, the body grows tall 30 - 80cm. Segmented body, flanged around. Leaves alternate, ovate leaves, tip, round or heart-shaped base; petiole length 3 - 6 cm, root stalk her. Small white flowers, grow long hair 3 - 6 cm, hanging down. United ceilings, small. When flowering, usually have 1-3 leaves at the tops with white flowers. Spherical capsule; seeds ovoid, tapering evenly.
Capitalized in the season 4-8, effective August - 9. Grows wild in the rice fields, where wet and riparian forests, more common in the northern provinces. Medicinal parts are the whole tree. Pharmacy data collected throughout the year, preferably in the summer collection, use fresh or dried.
Some remedies are often used:
- Lesson 1: Cure pimples swelling (unruptured pus): cleft leaves, crushed washed up on injuries (after being washed, dried), then bandaged, up on 3 times, each time 2 hours. Use instant 3 days.
- Lesson 2: Support for the treatment of bladder stones: 20g Function frog, gossamer blue, bubble, metal workshops money, grass tower pens, each of 15g. All washed in warm, pour 750ml, 500ml size also, rather drink tea daily. Each course of 15 days.
- Lesson 3: Supporting transparent constructive discharge treatment: Ham frog 60g, 70g lean pork. Minced pork, marinated fried to medium, add the soup boiling water; cleft entered chopped cooked and ate the country. How to eat once a day, ready to use 10 times.
- Lesson 4: Cure nosebleeds heat content of frog 15g, 15g rhododendron roots, all in a warm, pour 700ml water 250ml size also, divided 2 drinks per day. 10 days is a course.
- Lesson 5: Tri aching bones and joints due to changing weather: Ham frog 30g, washed in warm pour 500ml boiling, rather drink tea daily. 1 week 1 course.
Dr. Thuy Anh / Source SKDS